Anti-Productivity for Neurodivergent
If you count yourself as someone with a neurodivergent brain (no agreed-upon definition as of yet), then you might want to try Anti-Productivity. Huh? Keep an open mind. I work with many brilliant people that no matter what they get done in a day, they feel "less than". They complain about not getting everything done on "The List". Guess what? The list is the problem. I am a big believer in keeping a "Brain Dump" of all the ideas and things you might consider doing. Keep it in one place (digital or paper). Each day, pick one item from the "Brain Dump" that is a priority for you today. Usually, it is something clients are putting off for some reason. Work on that one item for 15-30 minutes BEFORE you check your email. Yep, stay away from email first thing in the morning. After the timer goes off (yes, always set a timer).
Now, evaluate. Did I make progress? Is this still a priority? What is the next step and schedule when you will take it. Pat yourself on the back for taking action on a difficult thing and moving forward. You were productive! You did a challenging thing rather than a bunch of little stuff while you avoided the difficult task. Everything else you do today is bonus since you already worked on the difficult task that you picked. Give it a try and let me know how you do. Now, about that darn email.....